Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bienenstock Design Competition

Starting off the Fall semester, we were given a new project for our class, Commercial Design II. We are creating a camp activity center on 1,200 acres of land located in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. This camp is for co-ed campers ages 8-14, for traditional campers and also campers with special needs.

We are designing two floors for the camp. The first floor will be the camp activity's for the campers and the second floor will be a private residence, executive office, and executive conference room. The private residence is for the camp director, Chris Warner. Chris Warner wants this camp to give a friendly environment where campers can feel at home, a school that educates, a place for the campers to play and have some freedom.

We will design for each person on the camp, including making sure all the regulations are met for the special needs campers. Justin Boyd is a camper that will be attending, he is a 10 year old and is visually impaired. So designing the space is important for each and every camper.

In the Commercial Design II class, we visited a local year round camp for chronically ill campers called Victory Junction. We came back inspired to make the camp we are designing extra special like Victory Junction.

Here's the logo for the local camp we visited, Victory Junction.
I'm really looking forward to this project, I think it will a challenge at times but rewarding in the end. Individually we have to come up with our own camp name and branding logo. Exciting!!

Also, I found this image and love it so it will be my inspiration for this camp. I love the triangles, different points, and arrows. I think that I can incorporate these inspiration images into my camp. What do you think?